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Online Certificate Sales
- Individuals and Organisations
- GST Application
- Income Tax Filing
- Company Registration
- ROC Filing
- IceGate use
- EPF Use
- E-tender
- E-auction
- IEC application
- Trademark Registration
- Employee records authorization
Class 3
Digital Signature Online Certificate
Class 3 digital signature certificates according to IVG guidelines is considered the most secure and safest of all certificates. Predominantly it is used in matters involving high security and safety.
- e-Tendering | Patent and Trademark | e-filing | MCA e-filing | Income Tax e-filing | LLP registration | Customs e-filing | e-Procurement | e-Bidding | e-Auction | GST Application filing
Get your Digital Signature Certificate Online at just ₹499/ year
- Paperless
- Individual or Organization DSC
- Sign/ Encryption/ Combo
- Processed using Aadhar and /or PAN
- USB Token
Do you know about the Different Types of Certificates?
What is DSC?
A digital signature is an electronic form of a signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document, and also ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged.
Document Signer
It is in a soft file format which is installed in the server.
ePDF Signer
It is an application which allows us to digitally sign PDF files rather than individually.
Encrypt/ Decrypt Utility
By using PKI infrastructure, we can encrypt and decrypt our data.